Corporate Responsibility
Giving Back = Happiness

Helping Improve the Quality of Life in the Communities Where We Live and Work
Worldline’s Super Hero kids aren’t just cartoon characters; they are based on real kids from the Worldline family (though they do have secret identities). They inspire us every day to be the best Home Phone and Internet Service Provider we can be. After all, we’d do anything for our kids.
Utilizing the Worldline “W” for their Super Hero insignia, our “Super Hero Kids” also inspire us to reach out to the community and focus on making some kids lives just a little bit better.
We raise funds and donate to our in-house charity, “Backpacks for Kids” to send underprivileged kids in the Dominican Republic to school. We initiated the “Bears and Bunnies for Kids” charity where we donate stuffed animals and distribute them to local hospitals kids wards. We sponsor events like “The Kidsability Run.” KidsAbility™ is the leader in Waterloo Region and Guelph-Wellington for empowering children and youth with a wide range of complex special needs to realize their full potential. Worldline also sponsors various youth sports teams and organization in our community.
For us, our Super Hero Kids represent what we are all about because, at Worldline, all kids, whoever they are, are Super Heroes!
At Worldline, we focus on having a fantastic workplace culture because, well, why wouldn’t we want to come to work every day in a great place, right?
Our “I’m In!” culture initiative empowers employees to go “Beyond Telecom,” or as we put it, to deliver happiness and connections every day by being awesome. We are proving with our record sales and industry leading customer retention that a happy staff translates into happy customers. It’s great for us, great for the bottom line and it’s great for our customers.
That said, companies should not be defined only by how they treat their customers. They should be judged on how they interact with the greater community as well. That is why we extend our corporate culture to our corporate responsibility. At Worldline, we are “In!” to giving back. Worldline, along with its parent company, Fibernetics, dedicate time and resources to a number of local and not-so-local causes to better the lives of others.

Backpack For Kids
Backpacks for Kids had its backpack giveaway this past August. More than 75 kids took part and went home with their new backpacks filled with school supplies along with some gift certificates to buy more. School supplies are not provided in the Dominican Republic, so this elegant little service provides the poorest of children access to education they otherwise could not afford.
Run by Worldline’s Peter Cross and company co-founder John Stix, this little home grown act of kindness has grown to the point where next year it will be a full blown official charity with the full weight of Fibernetics, Worldline and NEWT behind it.
This year, the company’s social committee, The Fun Bunch organized events to raise some of the funds.
“What a great day, as you can see by a few of the pics, we helped a lot of kids and I couldn’t be more proud of all of you and us together! Backpacks for Kids will be a legal registered charity by next year so we’re looking to allow many more kids to get the education they deserve next year,” said John Stix.
“And props to Rosa (Peter’s wife) she is pregnant and still went out and negotiated all the buys for supplies!”
Backpacks for Kids is set to grow. Stay tuned over the coming months for details on next year’s giveaway, when even more kids get to go to school.

Bears and Bunnies for Kids
Bears and Bunnies for Kids, is an initiative started by John Stix, President of Fibernetics Corporation. Three times a year John goes out and purchases stuffed animals and distributes them to the kid’s wards at local hospitals. News got out to the rest of the staff and now John has a number of additional volunteers helping out with this act of kindness.
This past Halloween John surprised the kids at Grand River Hospital with a visit from Batman.
Due to it’s huge success, Fibernetics’ now supports this initiative and has expanded the program to additional hospitals. Mike Brown, Fibernetics Happiness Officer wanted to get involved as well. Mike contacted a manufacturer and had 1,000 bears specially made with t-shirts bearing the Bears and Bunnies for Kids logo.
We would love to hear your story on how one of our stuffies made a difference to a child’s hospital stay.

Introducing Bentley – one of KidsAbility’s new Superhero Kids!
Bentley is a 3-year-old Superhero fighting the everyday challenges of Cerebral Palsy. In 2014, he was named the KidsAbility Guelph Ambassador, and Worldline is proud to support Bentley and KidsAbility!
Hundreds had the opportunity to meet Bentley in person at the 2015 KidsAbility Superhero Run on June 21st.
KidsAbility is a well-established organization, founded by Rotarians in 1957, with our Guelph site opening in 1999 – that’s 16 years of serving our community! KidsAbility is the recognized leader in Guelph-Wellington for empowering children and youth with a wide range of complex special needs. Last year, our 21-member Guelph-Wellington team provided life-changing therapy and support services to 707 children and youth.
In its first year, the Superhero Run saw over 600 participants, with over $60,000 raised for KidsAbility programs. This year the local community contributed even more than last year’s event, with donations nearing almost $65,000.00!
That’s why Worldline couldn’t have been more proud to be a Guardian Sponsor for this year’s event and were thrilled to host the Family Fun Zone – an area where kids interacted and played during the event.
We look forward to continue our sponsorship in 2016.

TriGator for Kids
CAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO–(06/10/14)- TriGATOR for Kids is a triathlon designed for kids aged 3 to 14 held in Elmira, Ontario on Saturday, June 14th. Hugely successful, this event has helped raise nearly $200,000 for charity, with hundreds of local children having taken part over the year. In 2013 TriGATOR helped 1,400 kids be active through subsidies for YMCA memberships, along with providing funds for various swimming, soccer and baseball programs.
Worldline, the Superhero voice and data provider, has become a major sponsor of TriGATOR this year because it’s a local charity focused on health and well being. Does it scream “Superhero Kids” or what? The TriGATOR is a kids’ triathlon race with age appropriate Swim-Bike-Run distances for children and this is the fifth year for this event.
Proceeds are donated to Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart® charity. Jumpstart® is based on the idea that all kids should have the chance to run, skate, play, and grow. It’s a community-based program that helps kids aged 4-18 participate in organized sports and recreation such as hockey, dance, soccer and swimming, so they can develop important life skills, self esteem and confidence. For more information check out Canadian Tire Jumpstart®.